SQLIrek SQL Server  Tools 



The IT Service Management System supporting the provisions of IT Infrastructure Technology and IT Support Services, onsite and remotely in accordance with latest Service Catalogue Microsoft SQL Server 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 and 2005

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SQL Management

Enhanced Database Administration through Automation,with SMDT you enhance manageability and scalability of you database environments through automation of standard tasks such as database provisioning, backup and recovery that eliminate the need for DBA involvement in repetitive or low-level tasks

why do you want to do this?

Automation is acceleration, cost-efficient, time Saving.70% of a DBA standard task are repeated task. by automating you reduce errors and increase productivity.

what is it?

SMDT Server is web-based portable and GUI deployment tool for SQL Server Maintenance Solution.an easy-to-deploy solution that could be easily rolled out across a large environment for SQL servers.



What's New

13/05/2023 Update: SMDT v2.00

18/04/2022 Update: SMDT v1.40

05/09/2021 Update: SMDT v1.45.